Monday, November 1, 2010

Google: the Mrs Crumplebottom of the internet

An article on the sydney morning herald website named 'google launches new censorship tool' (September 22, 2010) provides an insight on the other side of the censorship spectrum. While the nation of Australia is constantly being threatened with the 'clean feed' internet filter, google has released an online tool which shows where major internet services and products such as youtube and facebook are being blocked around the globe. 

While I'm all for the unveiling of the evil internet censorship trolls, it seems that google isn't able to make up it's mind when it comes to oppressing the masses. 

When the 'Great Firewall of China' was constructed to rid the public of debauchery such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, google was like the desperate fat friend, eager to please with no self respect. Thus google 'The Eunuch Edition' was born. Ridding the internet of simple social networking site so the masses could enrich their lives with access to a wide selection of porn. 

After this unholy alliance was formed, it seems that google has had a change of heart and in January 2010, withdrew its support and consent of the internet censorship in China, and in September released this new worldwide censorship tool. David Drummond, Google's chief legal officer and mouthpiece states that it's reasoning for 'outing' countries with blocked content is "When Google's services are blocked or filtered, we can't serve our users effectively. That's why  we act every day to maximise free expression and access to information." 

Sorry google, this sounds like a load of shizer to me.

Monday, October 25, 2010

voyeurism: a foray into citizen journalism

Citizen journalism: AKA "grassroots journalism." The collecting and publication of timely, unique, nonfiction information by individuals without formal journalism training or professional affiliation. Examples include the publication of cell phone photos from a breaking news scene, blog reports covering local government meetings and discussion forums reporting results from international competitions.
(Taken from: 

If this blog is about Citizen Journalism then why is it called 'Single White Female?’

I don't know, when I created this blog I had no idea what I would decide to write about so I decided to use the first three adjectives that came into my head

Single: I am currently not in a relationship with another human being, nor do I have any emotional attachments of a romantic nature to anyone except for myself. This will form the basis of my blog, my observations of couples around me.

White: I am of Caucasian colouring, which is quite obvious. I am pale at the best of times, when the sun hasn't breached the many layers of SPF30+ I frantically slather on. 

Female: I own the reproductive organs of a woman, no phallus’s here

‘Single White Female’ is also a film released in 1992 starring Bridget Fonda. This film takes a completely different angle to the concept to ‘single white female’ classifying it as a syndrome where one woman is obsessed with another woman, usually to the point of psychosis and murder. I find this particularly comforting. 

So what is going to be in this blog?

I am going to view citizen journalism as something other than sombre rubbernecking news reporting. Instead, I am going to be using my aching solitude as a basis to observe and judge the ever-growing phenomena that is co-dependence.

i.e. I will be spying on happy couples and complaining about it