Monday, October 25, 2010

voyeurism: a foray into citizen journalism

Citizen journalism: AKA "grassroots journalism." The collecting and publication of timely, unique, nonfiction information by individuals without formal journalism training or professional affiliation. Examples include the publication of cell phone photos from a breaking news scene, blog reports covering local government meetings and discussion forums reporting results from international competitions.
(Taken from: 

If this blog is about Citizen Journalism then why is it called 'Single White Female?’

I don't know, when I created this blog I had no idea what I would decide to write about so I decided to use the first three adjectives that came into my head

Single: I am currently not in a relationship with another human being, nor do I have any emotional attachments of a romantic nature to anyone except for myself. This will form the basis of my blog, my observations of couples around me.

White: I am of Caucasian colouring, which is quite obvious. I am pale at the best of times, when the sun hasn't breached the many layers of SPF30+ I frantically slather on. 

Female: I own the reproductive organs of a woman, no phallus’s here

‘Single White Female’ is also a film released in 1992 starring Bridget Fonda. This film takes a completely different angle to the concept to ‘single white female’ classifying it as a syndrome where one woman is obsessed with another woman, usually to the point of psychosis and murder. I find this particularly comforting. 

So what is going to be in this blog?

I am going to view citizen journalism as something other than sombre rubbernecking news reporting. Instead, I am going to be using my aching solitude as a basis to observe and judge the ever-growing phenomena that is co-dependence.

i.e. I will be spying on happy couples and complaining about it